December 21, 2008

Not The One I Know

6 months of patience… maybe sometimes you just have to let it out and be less diplomatic. It might work… it might not, but people are weird creatures, thus… they need it – they need to cry, to feel small, to feel stupid or arrogant…

Where did I go wrong? Uff, we all need a cherry tree to be closer to the sky.

PS. Why can’t I say Good Bye? There is no revolution without blood. sa7?!

Agatata De Suportul De Creioane

Scrisoare de La Multi Ani

"La multi ani draghe Limunitz!!!

Tone de imbratisari si pupaturi din Ardeal pe capul tau!!!!!

Si cum stateam eu si cujetam pe tema "Hmmm…e ziua lu' Lumi, frate!!!" mi-au invadat mintea niste flash-back-uri din timpurile mele in AIESEC Sibiu.
- LPM Cj 04: cum zaceam in pat intre tine si Cristinutza – si tin minte cum radeai de se scutura patul J. Merci mult ca ai stat in echipa mea anul aceala J
- Pozele tale de la functinala de OGX primavera 05 – prima ta functionala ca VP, si cum ne tot pregateam noi pana in noapte dinainte included! Merci ca ai lasat ca tranzitie sa fie un lucru usor pt mine :)
- merci ca n-a trebuit sa ma rup in figuri in recrutarea din primavara 05:)
- intalnirea noastra de la IC 07 - CE TARE! @SB RULLLZ
- sosetele tale de lana sub biroul meu de pastile catolice din 05 - la un EB dinner 04/05 + 05/06
- "talputa" in loc de underscore
- pozele tale +Letzu de la graduation ceremony - cu roba cu tot :)
- faptul ca eram in Bazi si Zeno povestea f. impresionat ca te-ai dus la 5 dim sa-ti iei bye bye de la el - pleca in al 2lea CEED in AI
Nu cred ca mai sunt atat de mandra de nimeni altcineva in @SB cum sunt de tine!!!

Iti dai seama
… ca esti primul om din @SB care a stat 2 ani in MC?
… esti primul om din @SB care a fost MCP? ( si mai este
…..Ca esti primul om din @SB care are o sansa reala sa fie Director?
….ca esti printer putinii oameni care chiar au folosit @ ca sa-si indeplineasca un vis – pe care majoritatea il credeau total nebunesc!!!Tu ai vrut sa traiesti intr-o tara araba – si uite ca acolo ai si ajuns
Ma laud peste tot in stanga si-n dreapta: succesoarea mea face expansion in @ pe bune: KG si acum Bahrain!!! Succesoarea mea a ajuns acum MCP in Bahrain – nah, ca v-am taiat pe toti
:) fapt esti singurul meu om drag din Rp. Moldova - si cand ma gandesc la Moldova, ma gandesc la tine:) Moldova rullzzzzzz: numai fete faine si destepte

Si dincolo de toate chestiile @ related- sunt tare mandra ca te-am cunoscut, ca am impartit o pasiune comuna (pt @) – sis per ca o sa tinem legatura si ca o sa ramanem prietene :)
Muaaaaaaaaaah – ce platitudine siropoasa am scapat: dar pe bune acum, din toti omuletzii pe care am avut norocul sa-i intalnesc in @, sunt putini cu care vreau sa tin legatura, si mai putini pe care ii admir. Tu faci parte din amandoua categoriile ( lucru rar la mine :), ca am standard ridicate)

Mai tii minte clama cu floare din KG pe care mi-ai dat-o in 07 la IC – sta inca in fata mea, pe birou, agatata de suportul de creioane :)

O pasarica suedeze mi-a soptit ca esti acasa, in Moldova – daca-mi dai un nr de tel te si sunam – ca ne e mega dor la toti sa-ti auzim glasciorul!!!

Mi-e dor sa te vad si sa te aud!!!!Sper ca viata sa ne nimereasca candva din nou in acelasi oras - sau macar de-o vacanta s-o punem impreuna.


December 16, 2008

“Daed uoy tnaw i”

There is no more yesterday to me from now on. There is no tomorrow either. No matter how afraid I am of the day of today, I know that things are over, because I don’t see any light, any hope or chance for us anymore.

Officially, not confused.

December 11, 2008

Back On Race

... meetings schedule... revised goals and strategies for the second part of term.

Today I'm opening applications for my succesor... and this is the moment when you get back to your 1st two quarters of your term and tend to criticize your work till the deepest, but it's alright - A brand new day is waiting for me!

Good morning world!

December 10, 2008


Eid Mubarrak... you can hear here and there.. friends, families gatherings - It's the 3rd day of Eid and Bahrain is wearing its holiday cloths - it might be the last Eid I can witness till the end of my term, but who knows what's next?... It might be just a beginning...

I had a "full tank" last evening: having a Pon-Kon chicken at Honk Kong restaurant, cruising around with girls till Muharrak singing (and it's a whole experience when you have Nada in the back and Aqeela driving... love you, girls!!!), saying Good Bye to another dear person and laughing on How I Met Your Mother till 1AM.

With my heart, I'm still there... where u left me last time... an ongoing confusion... How can I decide what's right? Where can you run to escape from yourself? No way to go, but I feel firesafed. Weird.

December 06, 2008

How To Save My Day

It’s interesting how life works and I have no clues what’s the force behind all these scenarios. And I won’t jump into philosophy or religion trying to explain all that. Besides, without knowing what keeps life going on and more than this - what makes it SO LOGIC is even more fascinating …

When I thought that I’m a lost case, I have learnt about entropy and I met people who’re actually handling the same “boomerangs” I handle. And as simple as that, with the well-known mechanism – we feel automatically better when we find out that there are people who suffer from the same illness as we do and all of a sudden – Bam! Bam! - We become very grateful for what we got!

Just another lesson to remember... I know it works with me - gratitude regenerates my emotions and my inner drive... same as "giving" makes me happy. So, if you see a moody, lazzy and unhappy Lumi one day walking on a street - tell her to "give" a bit from what she got already - It will save my day!