Balcony is the best place to write my posts. When the sun goes down, the heating is slowly disappearing same as people around me and I stumble on offline posts collected from the world wide web, catchy articles or BBC news saved on my browser. Sometimes i just finish my day tasks, while crunching salty peanuts and listening Dave Mathews.
The nightfall is few mins away and it's the perfect moment of the day to be with myself, pondering of what's over and what's next. I discovered lately that as much as I need people around me, I need my minutes of seclusion, of isolation - to be with Lumi and no one else - to fight with myself, to argue with myself, to wonder and ponder about myself.
In my solitude I use to watch kids playing outside and try to guess what is the game... till I start missing the little Lumi playing violin; being with my mom or just the smell of her palms after the long school day; laying on the green field of grass with my sister eating dark-blue grapes. I miss my dad singing in the late Sunday afternoons. I miss doing my home works at the yellow desk. I miss the popcorn aroma in the whole house... the dusty streets of childhood, the paint smell of my classroom in the early days of September, the black colour on my hands after eating fresh nuts for hours with my friends, the late hours in the night of learning by heart long Russian poems, the summer days when water melon was the only food of the day... ah, yes... the cherry tree in which i used to climb to watch the sunset.
Ah, how much I miss Moldova - the best place in the world for my childhood!
Buna seara si m-as duce,
Nu ma-ndur de vorba dulce.
Buna seara si-as pleca,
Nu ma-ndur de dumneata.
I can feel a change in me... and for the first time, i dont know if it's good or bad or it's just called life. Maybe it's just as it was meant to be.
I'm 23 and I grown up.
Of course you miss your home,your parents and close people to you.
I understand you. And I am not tired of saying that you are very strong girl.One year you were in KG and now one more year in one of the hottest place in the world Bagrain. I admire you and your will power. Good luck to you!!!:-)
Ulrih is actually stands for Ulan.
Sorry :-)
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