May 30, 2009

Reality I Waste My Time On

Breeze and water drops mingling in my hair - Amuaj Islands trip by boat -Watching Flemings on the shore - Momente de cucoana si de spa la Ritz - Driving in Juffair in the middle of the night - Spring of Cultures festival with friends - Spanish music at the Arad Fort - 20 mins cu fite la Televizor - Collide with Nada - Infinity with Rehman - Hours of flights over deserts and waters - Just Like Heaven, The Cure on the top of the roof - Saggesse vs Riady (Arab world cup basketball finals)- Watermelon for breakfast at 6 AM - Big Bang Orchestra and patriotic goose bumps - Cedars and mountains car trip - IRINA - Esperanza Fernandez flamenco live concert - Igor Cobileanski (Moldovan movie director) - Bought 2 books by D.Goleman, one by B.Russell and one by C.Dickens - Red 7 more - Made Letzu shade a tear...

Overlook the fact that I got no VISA yet, that I have no job secured after AIESEC, that I lost my iPod, that I got into a car accident, that I rent a house I don't live in and… that the music is no good without you.

This too will pass.


g said...

.. time is passing anyway .. e bine ca il simti cum trece..
(p.s. i like the way it pass for you and how you write it down)

Nada Ali said...

we found your ipod